--- redirect_from: "/track**" --- Transit Now: Bus Predictions for TTC & Nextbus agencies

Battery Settings Recommendation

As of Android 6+, your phone can enter a Doze (sleep) state, which prevents apps from making network calls. Transit Now needs to run in the background to track your vehicle. This requires turning off battery optimizations for this app. Don't worry. We take battery usage very seriously. Transit Now will only run in the background if you're tracking a vehicle.

For most Google devices

1. Go to Android system systems and select "Battery"
2. Select "Battery optimization" from the top right menu.
3. Filter "All apps".
4. Select "Transit Now" and select "Don't optimize"

For most Samsung devices

1. Go to Android system systems and select "Battery"
2. Select "Battery Usage".
3. Select "Optimise battery usage" from top right menu ("more").
4. Unselect "Transit Now"

Please note that these instructions may differ based on your operating system. Please contact support if you have trouble navigating your device settings menu.